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Useful Insights Into Managing Acid Reflux Discomfort

Acid reflux can be demoralizing, from a mental and physical perspective. This problem can make it difficult to live a normal life. But, there are many steps you can take to end acid reflux once and for all. If you read on you will learn some of them.

To stop acid reflux disease, increase your intake of Vitamin D. This vitamin increases peptide production, which destroys the production of acid in the stomach. Your body gets Vitamin D from the sun. If you do not get enough sun exposure, you can always take Vitamin D in pill form.

If you suffer from acid reflux symptoms at night time, you may need to change the way you sleep. You should be laying on your back, with the upper half of your body propped up by a few pillows. When you lay flat, whether on your back, stomach or side, you are allowing acid to come up through the esophagus.

While vinegar tastes great on salads or french fries, anyone with acid reflux should avoid eating it. Vinegar, along with citrus fruit and tomatoes, is high in acid, and the more acid you eat, the more acid will return up your esophagus and cause you pain and discomfort after meals.

Believe it or not, your clothing can affect how often you get acid reflux. Clothing that fits too tightly around the midsection will put excess pressure on the stomach, making reflux occur more often and with more pain. Opt for clothing with a loose fit. Only wear pants and belts that are tight enough to stay up without pressing too hard on the midsection.

Acid reflux does not need to cause a disturbance in your life. Acid reflux should no longer be a problem if you make a few changes to your diet. Use what you have learned to get back to enjoying a normal, healthy life.

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