Best Canadian Cities for Mild Winters

Most people might think Canada is all frozen all the time and while that might be correct a few certain areas within our country, thinking that’s the case for every bit of every province couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s even places in Canada where you wouldn’t even need a heavy jacket during the winter.

Can you believe that? It might seem a shock if you are considering areas to travel or maybe even thinking about a move to somewhere in Canada that isn’t all too familiar to you. While there’s endless areas that are known for great skiing, here’s a few of the best areas for those who love a more mild winter.

Vancouver, BC

For some trading piles and piles of snow for rain is a deal they would make every time. If that crowd sounds like your kind of people, Vancouver might be perfect for you. Even during the coldest months, Vancouver will average around 7 or so degrees celsius. That means as long as it’s not raining, you’ll be able to enjoy all Vancouver has to offer for more days of the year than you might have expected.

As long as you keep a rain jacket handy, going for a walk through Stanley Park or Kitsilano Beach might be the perfect way to spend your time in the city regardless if you are simply a traveler or browsing Homes For Sale in Vancouver to find that perfect place to put down some roots.

St. Catharines, ON

Capilano, North Vancouver District, BC Homes for Sale & Real Estate | Redfin

Anyone that’s been to Ontario wouldn’t expect any part of it to be known for mild winters yet St. Catharines is a bit of an anomaly. The city is located close to the New York State border and gets its milder winters thanks to its proximity to both Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and the wetlands of the Niagara Escarpment all making for a slightly different climate than one would find elsewhere in Ontario.

While St. Catharines won’t provide the most mild winter anywhere in the country, it might be the best way to escape a longer winter while staying in Ontario. Thanks to its location, (keep in mind there’s still going to be nights on the figrid side) both sides of winter are going to be much more enjoyable that what would be expected throughout this region.

St. John’s, NL

Similar to Vancouver, being in St John’s means that you’ll be trading piles of snow for something else. While it won’t always be raining in St. John’s, visitors and residents will experience their fair share of fog thanks to its proximity to the Gulf Stream.While winters won’t stay cold for very long, you might still see the occasional snow storm but the accumulation typically won’t last.

If you are local, you’ll know to simply wait out whatever storms are coming through and if you are visiting, some inclimate weather is the perfect excuse to spend some time in any of the lovely cafes and restaurants or make your way through The Rooms, St John’s interactive art museum.


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